At Hallowed Turf we specialise in greens species exchange using modern creeping bent grasses. Working towards less nutrient input, lower irrigation rates, and less fungicides.
We offer help and support to Head Greenkeepers in the transition to sustainable surfaces.
Tailored to your requirements.
Site surveys, fertiliser programs, preparing greens for bent transition, pest & disease management, water management among other services.
Knowledge gained through practical and current experience. Transitioned greens from 80/20 poa/ bent to 95/5 bent/poa in a 4-year period whilst keeping surfaces in an acceptable condition.
In an ever changing industry, with legislation
and climate change, problem solving is a key
facet of mine. All this achieved with a limited budget and average staff levels.
Lee Thompson PGA Professional
Henry Bechelet Tech Manager ICL & STRI Disturbance Theory
Species exchange to over 90% creeping bent.
One of my career highlights.